How To Apply SNI

Steps in SNI Application
  • Documentation of Products to be registered
  • Submitting documents to LS PRO
  • Registering to Ministry of Industry
  • Sampling Plan by LS Pro
  • Sampling in production line or in warehouse
  • Sending Samples to Laboratory
  • Toy safety testing in Laboratory
  • Submitting reports to LS PRO
  • SPPT-SNI issuance by LS Pro.
  • Submitting lab reports to Surveyor
  • Stuffing and B/L issuance by surveyor
  • SNI registration to Trade Ministry
  • NPB/NRP issuance
  • B/L submitting to importer by Surveyors
  • B/L+NPB to custom clearance

The Verification Process in Importation

Silakan hubungi kami bila anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut untuk mengurus dan mendapatkan sertifikat SNI. Bila anda memiliki UKM/IKM, RajawaliLab hadir memberikan support kepada anda berupa GRATIS konsultansi mengenai SNI dan pengurusannya, GRATIS pengurusan NRP, dan HARGA KHUSUS untuk pengujian laboratorium. Kami hadir untuk mendukung bisnis anda.

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